One day right when they told me IVF was the only option, I came home, got on my knees and prayed with all my heart and everything that makes up me to Our Lady of La Leche. I had prayed to her once before Andrea, but when Andrea went to heaven I had stopped. This time I was only asking her for one more time, one more pregnancy. A healthy pregnancy and a child to love.
Miraculously, just thirty days later, I found out I was pregnant. Unexplainably, even my doctors couldn’t believe it! In gratitude, I made a promise to Our Lady of la Leche. I vowed that if my child was born, I would bring them to St. Augustine every year until they turned 18. And beyond that, I knew deep in my heart that my child would love her just as much, and they would continue this tradition on their own.
Each year, as we fulfill our promise to visit her, we offer our prayers for other Mariposas with the same intensity as we did when seeking a child of our own. It’s as a testament to the faith, believe, and gratitude that reside within our hearts for her. Astonishingly, numerous Mariposas whom have shared their trying to conceive journey with us have reached out to inform us of their pregnancies shortly after our prayers were offered at the sacred shrine.
As part our purpose we continue to provide Our Lady of la Leche items in some of care packages.